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1 וַיַּעַן H6030 W-VQY3MS אֱלִיהוּ H453 EMS וַיֹּאמַֽר H559 W-VQY3MS ׃ EPUN
2 הֲזֹאת H2063 D-PFS חָשַׁבְתָּ H2803 VQQ2MS לְמִשְׁפָּט H4941 L-NMS אָמַרְתָּ H559 VQQ2MS צִדְקִי H6664 CMS-1MS מֵאֵֽל H410 M-NMS ׃ EPUN
3 כִּֽי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN תֹאמַר H559 VQY2MS מַה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN יִּסְכָּן H5532 VQY3MS ־ CPUN לָךְ CPUN מָֽה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN אֹעִיל H3276 VHY1MS מֵֽחַטָּאתִֽי H2403 M-CFS-1MS ׃ EPUN
4 אֲנִי H589 PPRO-1MS אֲשִֽׁיבְךָ H7725 VHY1MS-2MS מִלִּין H4405 NFP וְֽאֶת H853 W-PART ־ CPUN רֵעֶיךָ H7453 CMP-2MS עִמָּֽךְ H5973 PREP-2FS ׃ EPUN
5 הַבֵּט H5027 VHI2MS שָׁמַיִם H8064 NMP וּרְאֵה H7200 W-VQI2MS וְשׁוּר H7789 W-VQI2MS שְׁחָקִים H7834 NMP גָּבְהוּ H1361 VQQ3MP מִמֶּֽךָּ H4480 M-PPRO-2MS ׃ EPUN
6 אִם H518 PART ־ CPUN חָטָאתָ H2398 VQQ2MS מַה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN תִּפְעָל H6466 VQY2MS ־ CPUN בּוֹ B-PPRO-3MS וְרַבּוּ H7231 W-VQQ3MP פְשָׁעֶיךָ H6588 CMP-2MS מַה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN תַּעֲשֶׂה H6213 VQY2MS ־ CPUN לּֽוֹ CPUN ׃ EPUN
7 אִם H518 PART ־ CPUN צָדַקְתָּ H6663 VQQ2MS מַה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN תִּתֶּן H5414 VQY2MS ־ CPUN לוֹ L-PPRO-3MS אוֹ H176 CONJ מַה H4100 IPRO ־ CPUN מִיָּדְךָ H3027 M-CFS-2MS יִקָּֽח H3947 VQY3MS ׃ EPUN
8 לְאִישׁ H376 L-NMS ־ CPUN כָּמוֹךָ H3644 PREP-2MS רִשְׁעֶךָ H7562 CMS-2MS וּלְבֶן H1121 WL-CMS ־ CPUN אָדָם H120 NMS צִדְקָתֶֽךָ H6666 CFS-2MS ׃ EPUN
9 מֵרֹב H7230 M-NMS עֲשׁוּקִים H6217 NMP יַזְעִיקוּ H2199 VHY3MP יְשַׁוְּעוּ H7768 VPY3MP מִזְּרוֹעַ H2220 M-CFS רַבִּֽים H7227 AMP ׃ EPUN
10 וְֽלֹא H3808 W-NPAR ־ CPUN אָמַר H559 VQQ3MS אַיֵּה H335 IGAT אֱלוֹהַּ H433 NAME-4MS עֹשָׂי H6213 VQCMP-1MS נֹתֵן H5414 VQPMS זְמִרוֹת H2158 NMP בַּלָּֽיְלָה H3915 BD-NMS ׃ EPUN
11 מַלְּפֵנוּ H502 VPCMS-1MP מִבַּהֲמוֹת H929 M-CFP אָרֶץ H776 NFS וּמֵעוֹף H5775 WM-CMS הַשָּׁמַיִם H8064 D-NMD יְחַכְּמֵֽנוּ H2449 VPY3MS-1MP ׃ EPUN
12 שָׁם H8033 ADV יִצְעֲקוּ H6817 VQY3MP וְלֹא H3808 W-NPAR יַעֲנֶה H6030 VQY3MS מִפְּנֵי H6440 M-CMP גְּאוֹן H1347 CMS רָעִֽים H7451 AMP ׃ EPUN
13 אַךְ H389 ADV ־ CPUN שָׁוְא H7723 NMS לֹא H3808 NADV ־ CPUN יִשְׁמַע H8085 VQY3MS ׀ CPUN אֵל H410 EDS וְשַׁדַּי H7706 W-EDS לֹא H3808 NADV יְשׁוּרֶֽנָּה H7789 VQY3MS-3FS ׃ EPUN
14 אַף H637 CONJ כִּֽי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN תֹאמַר H559 VQY2MS לֹא H3808 NADV תְשׁוּרֶנּוּ H7789 VQY2MS-3MS דִּין H1779 NMS לְפָנָיו H6440 L-CMP-3MS וּתְחוֹלֵֽל H2342 W-VPY2MS לֽוֹ L-PPRO-3MS ׃ EPUN
15 וְעַתָּה H6258 W-ADV כִּי H3588 CONJ ־ CPUN אַיִן H369 ADV פָּקַד H6485 VQQ3MS אַפּוֹ H639 CMS-3MS וְלֹֽא H3808 W-NPAR ־ CPUN יָדַע H3045 VQQ3MS בַּפַּשׁ H6580 BD-NMS מְאֹֽד H3966 ADV ׃ EPUN
16 וְאִיּוֹב H347 W-EMS הֶבֶל H1892 NMS יִפְצֶה H6475 VQY3MS ־ CPUN פִּיהוּ H6310 CMS-3MS בִּבְלִי H1097 B-ADV ־ CPUN דַעַת H1847 NFS מִלִּין H4405 NFP יַכְבִּֽר H3527 VHY3MS ׃ EPUN פ CPUN
1 Elihu H453 spoke H6030 moreover , and said, H559
2 Thinkest H2803 thou this H2063 to be right, H4941 that thou saidst, H559 My righteousness H6664 is more than God H4480 H410 's?
3 For H3588 thou saidst, H559 What H4100 advantage H5532 will it be unto thee? and , What H4100 profit H3276 shall I have, if I be cleansed from my sin H4480 H2403 ?
4 I H589 will answer H7725 H4405 thee , and thy companions H7453 with H5973 thee.
5 Look H5027 unto the heavens, H8064 and see; H7200 and behold H7789 the clouds H7834 which are higher H1361 than H4480 thou.
6 If H518 thou sinnest, H2398 what H4100 doest H6466 thou against him? or if thy transgressions H6588 be multiplied, H7231 what H4100 doest H6213 thou unto him?
7 If H518 thou be righteous, H6663 what H4100 givest H5414 thou him? or H176 what H4100 receiveth H3947 he of thine hand H4480 H3027 ?
8 Thy wickedness H7562 may hurt a man H376 as thou H3644 art ; and thy righteousness H6666 may profit the son H1121 of man. H120
9 By reason of the multitude H4480 H7230 of oppressions H6217 they make the oppressed to cry: H2199 they cry out H7768 by reason of the arm H4480 H2220 of the mighty. H7227
10 But none H3808 saith, H559 Where H346 is God H433 my maker, H6213 who giveth H5414 songs H2158 in the night; H3915
11 Who teacheth H502 us more than the beasts H4480 H929 of the earth, H776 and maketh us wiser H2449 than the fowls H4480 H5775 of heaven H8064 ?
12 There H8033 they cry, H6817 but none H3808 giveth answer, H6030 because H4480 H6440 of the pride H1347 of evil men. H7451
13 Surely H389 God H410 will not H3808 hear H8085 vanity, H7723 neither H3808 will the Almighty H7706 regard H7789 it.
14 Although H637 H3588 thou sayest H559 thou shalt not H3808 see H7789 him, yet judgment H1779 is before H6440 him ; therefore trust H2342 thou in him.
15 But now, H6258 because H3588 it is not H369 so , he hath visited H6485 in his anger; H639 yet he knoweth H3045 it not H3808 in great H3966 extremity: H6580
16 Therefore doth Job H347 open H6475 his mouth H6310 in vain; H1892 he multiplieth H3527 words H4405 without H1097 knowledge. H1847
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