Bible Versions
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1 וַיַּעַן H6030 W-VQY3MS אֱלִיפַז H464 EMS הַֽתֵּימָנִי H8489 TMP וַיֹּאמַֽר H559 W-VQY3MS ׃ EPUN
2 הֲנִסָּה H5254 I-VPQ3MS דָבָר H1697 NMS אֵלֶיךָ H413 PREP-2MS תִּלְאֶה H3811 VQY2MS וַעְצֹר H6113 W-VQFC בְּמִלִּין H4405 B-NFP מִי H4310 IPRO יוּכָֽל H3201 VQY3MS ׃ EPUN
3 הִנֵּה H2009 IJEC יִסַּרְתָּ H3256 VPQ2MS רַבִּים H7227 AMP וְיָדַיִם H3027 W-NFD רָפוֹת H7504 AFP תְּחַזֵּֽק H2388 VPY2MS ׃ EPUN
4 כּוֹשֵׁל H3782 VQPMS יְקִימוּן H6965 VHY3MP-3FP מִלֶּיךָ H4405 CFP-2MS וּבִרְכַּיִם H1290 W-NFD כֹּרְעוֹת H3766 VQPFP תְּאַמֵּֽץ H553 VPY2MS ׃ EPUN
5 כִּי H3588 CONJ עַתָּה H6258 ADV ׀ PUNC תָּבוֹא H935 VQY2MS אֵלֶיךָ H413 PREP-2MS וַתֵּלֶא H3811 W-VQY2MS תִּגַּע H5060 VQY3FS עָדֶיךָ H5704 PREP-2MS וַתִּבָּהֵֽל H926 W-VNY2MS ׃ EPUN
6 הֲלֹא H3808 I-NADV יִרְאָתְךָ H3373 CFS-2MS כִּסְלָתֶךָ H3690 CFS-2MS תִּקְוָתְךָ H8615 CFS-2MS וְתֹם H8537 W-CMS דְּרָכֶֽיךָ H1870 CMP-2MS ׃ EPUN
7 זְכָר H2142 VQI2MS ־ CPUN נָא H4994 IJEC מִי H4310 IPRO הוּא H1931 PPRO-3MS נָקִי H5355 AMS אָבָד H6 VQQ3MS וְאֵיפֹה H375 W-IPRO יְשָׁרִים H3477 AMP נִכְחָֽדוּ H3582 VNQ3MP ׃ EPUN
8 כַּאֲשֶׁר H834 K-RPRO רָאִיתִי H7200 VQQ1MS חֹרְשֵׁי H2790 VQCMP אָוֶן H205 NMS וְזֹרְעֵי H2232 W-VQCMP עָמָל H5999 NMS יִקְצְרֻֽהוּ H7114 VQY3MP-3MS ׃ EPUN
9 מִנִּשְׁמַת H5397 M-CFS אֱלוֹהַ H433 EDS יֹאבֵדוּ H6 VQY3MP וּמֵרוּחַ H7307 WM-CMS אַפּוֹ H639 CMS-3MS יִכְלֽוּ H3615 VQY3MP ׃ EPUN
10 שַׁאֲגַת H7581 CFS אַרְיֵה H738 NMS וְקוֹל H6963 W-CMS שָׁחַל H7826 NMS וְשִׁנֵּי H8127 W-CMD כְפִירִים H3715 NMP נִתָּֽעוּ H5421 VNQ3MP ׃ EPUN
11 לַיִשׁ H3918 NMS אֹבֵד H6 VQPMS מִבְּלִי H1097 M-NPAR ־ CPUN טָרֶף H2964 NMS וּבְנֵי H1121 W-CMP לָבִיא H3833 NMS יִתְפָּרָֽדוּ H6504 VTY3MP ׃ EPUN
12 וְאֵלַי H413 W-PREP-1MS דָּבָר H1697 VQPMS יְגֻנָּב H1589 VUY3MS וַתִּקַּח H3947 W-VQY3FS אָזְנִי H241 CFS-1MS שֵׁמֶץ H8102 NMS מֶֽנְהֽוּ H4480 PREP-3MS ׃ EPUN
13 בִּשְׂעִפִּים H5587 B-NMP מֵחֶזְיֹנוֹת H2384 M-NMP לָיְלָה H3915 NFS בִּנְפֹל H5307 B-VQFC תַּרְדֵּמָה H8639 NFS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN אֲנָשִֽׁים H376 NMP ׃ EPUN
14 פַּחַד H6343 NMS קְרָאַנִי H7122 VQQ3MS-1MS וּרְעָדָה H7460 W-NFS וְרֹב H7230 W-CMS עַצְמוֹתַי H6106 CFS-1MS הִפְחִֽיד H6342 D-VHQ3MS ׃ EPUN
15 וְרוּחַ H7307 W-GFS עַל H5921 PREP ־ CPUN פָּנַי H6440 NMP-1MS יַחֲלֹף H2498 VQY3MS תְּסַמֵּר H5568 VPY3FS שַֽׂעֲרַת H8185 CFS בְּשָׂרִֽי H1320 CMS-1MS ׃ EPUN
16 יַעֲמֹד H5975 VQY3MS ׀ CPUN וְֽלֹא H3808 UNKN ־ CPUN אַכִּיר H5234 VHY1MS מַרְאֵהוּ H4758 CMS-3MS תְּמוּנָה H8544 NFS לְנֶגֶד H5048 L-PREP עֵינָי H5869 CMD-1MS דְּמָמָה H1827 NFS וָקוֹל H6963 W-NMS אֶשְׁמָֽע H8085 VQY1MS ׃ EPUN
17 הַֽאֱנוֹשׁ H376 D-NMS מֵאֱלוֹהַ H433 M-NMS יִצְדָּק H6663 VQY3MS אִם H518 PART מֵעֹשֵׂהוּ H6213 M-VQCMS-3MS יִטְהַר H2891 VQY3MS ־ CPUN גָּֽבֶר H1397 NMS ׃ EPUN
18 הֵן H2005 IJEC בַּעֲבָדָיו H5650 B-CMP-3MS לֹא H3808 NADV יַאֲמִין H539 VHY3MS וּבְמַלְאָכָיו H4397 WB-CMP-3MS יָשִׂים H7760 VQY3MS תָּהֳלָֽה H8417 NFS ׃ EPUN
19 אַף H637 CONJ ׀ CPUN שֹׁכְנֵי H7931 VQCMS בָֽתֵּי H1004 CMP ־ CPUN חֹמֶר H2563 NMS אֲשֶׁר H834 RPRO ־ CPUN בֶּעָפָר H6083 BD-NMS יְסוֹדָם H3247 CMS-3MP יְדַכְּאוּם H1792 VPY3MP-3MP לִפְנֵי H6440 L-CMP ־ CPUN עָֽשׁ H6211 NMS ׃ EPUN
20 מִבֹּקֶר H1242 M-NMS לָעֶרֶב H6153 LD-NMS יֻכַּתּוּ H3807 VOY3MP מִבְּלִי H1097 M-NPAR מֵשִׂים H7760 M-ADV לָנֶצַח H5331 L-NMS יֹאבֵֽדוּ H6 VQY3MP ׃ EPUN
21 הֲלֹא H3808 I-NPAR ־ CPUN נִסַּע H5265 VNQ3MS יִתְרָם H3499 CMS-3MP בָּם B-PPRO-3MP יָמוּתוּ H4191 VQY3MP וְלֹא H3808 W-NPAR בְחָכְמָֽה H2451 B-NFS ׃ EPUN
1 Then Eliphaz H464 the Temanite H8489 answered H6030 and said, H559
2 If we attempt to commune H5254 H1697 with H413 thee , wilt thou be grieved H3811 ? but who H4310 can H3201 withhold H6113 himself from speaking H4405 ?
3 Behold H2009 , thou hast instructed H3256 many, H7227 and thou hast strengthened H2388 the weak H7504 hands. H3027
4 Thy words H4405 have upheld H6965 him that was falling, H3782 and thou hast strengthened H553 the feeble H3766 knees. H1290
5 But H3588 now H6258 it is come H935 upon H413 thee , and thou faintest; H3811 it toucheth H5060 H5704 thee , and thou art troubled. H926
6 Is not H3808 this thy fear, H3374 thy confidence, H3690 thy hope, H8615 and the uprightness H8537 of thy ways H1870 ?
7 Remember H2142 , I pray thee, H4994 who H4310 ever perished, H6 being innocent H5355 ? or where H375 were the righteous H3477 cut off H3582 ?
8 Even as H834 I have seen, H7200 they that plow H2790 iniquity, H205 and sow H2232 wickedness, H5999 reap H7114 the same.
9 By the blast H4480 H5397 of God H433 they perish, H6 and by the breath H4480 H7307 of his nostrils H639 are they consumed. H3615
10 The roaring H7581 of the lion, H738 and the voice H6963 of the fierce lion, H7826 and the teeth H8127 of the young lions, H3715 are broken. H5421
11 The old lion H3918 perisheth H6 for lack H4480 H1097 of prey, H2964 and the stout lion's H3833 whelps H1121 are scattered abroad. H6504
12 Now a thing H1697 was secretly brought H1589 to H413 me , and mine ear H241 received H3947 a little H8102 thereof. H4480
13 In thoughts H5587 from the visions H4480 H2384 of the night, H3915 when deep sleep H8639 falleth H5307 on H5921 men, H376
14 Fear H6343 came upon H7122 me , and trembling, H7460 which made all H7230 my bones H6106 to shake. H6342
15 Then a spirit H7307 passed H2498 before H5921 my face; H6440 the hair H8185 of my flesh H1320 stood up: H5568
16 It stood still, H5975 but I could not H3808 discern H5234 the form H4758 thereof : an image H8544 was before H5048 mine eyes, H5869 there was silence, H1827 and I heard H8085 a voice, H6963 saying ,
17 Shall mortal man H582 be more just than God H6663 H4480 H433 ? shall a man H1397 be more pure H2891 than his maker H4480 H6213 ?
18 Behold H2005 , he put no trust H539 H3808 in his servants; H5650 and his angels H4397 he charged H7760 with folly: H8417
19 How much less H637 in them that dwell in H7931 houses H1004 of clay, H2563 whose H834 foundation H3247 is in the dust, H6083 which are crushed H1792 before H6440 the moth H6211 ?
20 They are destroyed H3807 from morning H4480 H1242 to evening: H6153 they perish H6 forever H5331 without any H4480 H1097 regarding H7760 it .
21 Doth not H3808 their excellency H3499 which is in them go away H5265 ? they die, H4191 even without H3808 wisdom. H2451
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